Notice on Adjusting the Measures for Preventing and Controlling the Epidemic 关于调整疫情防控措施的通告
信息来源: 来源:中山发布 翻译:中山市外事局 发布日期:2020-02-20


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Zhongshan adjusts its “10 Strict” measures for controlling the epidemic, cancelling all the traffic check points of the whole city and the towns under its jurisdiction.

Notice on Adjusting the Measures for Preventing and Controlling the Epidemic

The Notice on Taking Ten Strict Measures for Controlling the Epidemic released by our city on February 7 played an important role in preventing the epidemic of COVID-19 from spreading and in protecting the life and health of the people. To adapt to the new situation in the prevention and control of the outbreak, it is hereby decided to adjust the measures as follows:

1.Ensuring the normal operation of the city. The whole city shall restore the normal order of production and life in a scientific, well-arranged and complete way as soon as possible without relaxing the prevention and control of the epidemic in the least.

2.Cancelling road checkpoints. Starting from February 19, all the traffic checkpoints of the whole city and the towns under its jurisdiction shall be cancelled, while the temporary traffic control at designated road sections shall be lifted in an orderly way.

3.Implementing reasonable closed management. All villages/communities and residential quarters shall continue to implement closed management and may increase passageways reasonably according to actual needs, which shall be manned by designated personnel who shall check the temperature of persons coming in and going out. The travel of those who engage in work and production activities shall be guaranteed and may not be restricted on the ground of epidemic prevention.

4.Paying attention to personal protection. Citizens shall make sure to avoid dropping around, gathering, dining together or going out. Those who go out must wear masks according to regulations. Those who get into public places, e.g. restaurants, shops, hotels, farm product marketplaces and banks, and use public transport shall comply with the anti-epidemic efforts. All celebrations and funerals shall be simplified. The relevant information shall be reported to the Command Office for Epidemic Prevention & Control of the local town/district for the record.

5.Opening public places in an orderly way. Parks, squares and outdoor sport venues shall be opened in an orderly way. The relevant management agencies shall strengthen the cleaning and disinfection of these sites and control the stream of people as necessary according to the number of incoming people. All indoor places for cultural and recreational purposes shall be closed for the time being. All catering units shall suspend “dine-in” services.

6.Intensifying the control over key crowds. The management measures for people returning to Zhongshan from regions seriously hit by the epidemic shall continue to be implemented strictly. All people who return from outside of Guangdong to Zhongshan shall report to the villages/communities or the residential quarters where they live (or where they are headed) or their employers. All those who return from regions seriously hit by the epidemic shall receive 14 days of at-home or centralized medical observation. All employers and the landlords of rental housing and serviced apartments shall take on their responsibility and work with the employees/tenants in doing a good job of health management while carrying out normal (leasing) activities.

7.Giving full support to enterprises in their orderly resumption of work and production. The government will take the initiative to support enterprises in their orderly resumption of work and production. All enterprises shall take prevention and control measures effectively, while their employees shall comply with the health monitoring efforts.

8.Carrying out all-round patriotic health campaign. The measures for improvement of sanitation shall be carried out in every community, organization and family to prevent the spread of diseases.

The power of interpreting this Notice is vested in the Office of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters of Zhongshan City.

Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters of Zhongshan City

February 20, 2020




















Zhongshan realiza cambios de las diez medidas estrictas para el control de la neumonía del coronavirus y quita los puntos de control del tráfico en toda la ciudad.

Avisos sobre los cambios de las medidas de prevención y control de la neumonía del coronavirus

El día 7 de febrero, Zhongshan publicó los «Avisos de tomar diez medidas estrictas para prevención y control de la neunomía del coronavirus (en adelante “la neunomía”)», lo cual desempeña un papel crucial para evitar la extensión de la neumonía y proteger la salud y la seguridad de los ciudadanos. Con el objetivo de adaptar a la nueva situación de prevención y control de la neumonía, Zhongshan decide hacer cambios a dichas medidas de control:

1. Asegurar la función normal de la ciudad. Al mismo tiempo de trabajar sin ninguna relajación para la prevención y el control de la neumonía, el ayuntamiento tiene que recuperar los órdenes de la producción y la vida cotidiana de la ciudad lo antes posible y de manera científica y completa.

2. Quitar los puntos de control de tráfico. Desde el día 19 de febrero, quitarán todos los puntos de control de tráfico de toda la ciudad y cancelarán los controles temporales de tráfico en las vías determinadas.

3. Realizar gestión cerrada de una manera razonable. Siguen la gestión cerrada en los barrios residenciales y pueblos. Podrán añadir entradas y salidas de acuerdo con la necesidad, en las cuales hay que haber porteros específicos y tomar la temperatura a la gente que pasen. Hay que asegurar la entrada y salida de los trabajadores. Se prohíbe limitar la entrada y salida de dicho personal con el pretexto de prevención de la neumonía.

4. Dar importancia a la protección individual. Los ciudadanos no deben visitar a otros, reunirse ni comer en sitios conglomerados. Tienen que evitar salir de casa. En el caso de que salgan, tienen que llevarse mascarillas de acuerdo con las normativas. A la hora de entrar en sitios públicos como restaurantes, centros comerciales, hoteles, mercados y bancos, y tomar transporte público, tienen que cooperar en la prevención de la neumonía. Deben realizar tanto las celebraciones como los funerales de manera más sencilla posible. En el caso de que tengan necesidad de realizar dichas actividades, tienen que avisar a la oficina de dirección de prevención y control de la neumonía de sus zonas.

5. Abrir los sitios públicos en orden. Se abren los parques, plazas y polideportivos (al aire libre) en orden. Los órganos de gestión de dichos sitios tienen que realizar desinfección a dichos sitios y realizar control de entrada según la situación in situ. Los sitiosde entretenimiento y ocio suspenden sus servicios. Los restaurantes solo pueden ofrecer servicios de comida para llevar o a domicilio.

6. Fortalecer el control a las personas críticas. Siguen en vigor las medidas de gestión orientadas a las personas que vuelvan a Zhongshan de zonas de alta prevalencia de la neumonía. Los que lleguen a Zhongshan de otras provincias tienen que avisar al pueblo, barrio residencia y empresa donde viven y trabajan dentro de una hora después de la llegada. Realizan cuarentena de 14 días de manera individual o conjunta a los de las zonas de alta prevalencia de la neumonía. Las empresas, los caseros de viviendas alquiladas y los dueños de los hoteles asumen la responsabilidad de llevar a cabo la gestión sanitaria junto con los inquilinos y trabajadores, mientras realizan actividades comerciales normales.

7. Apoyar con todas las fuerzas a la recuperación del trabajo de las empresas. El ayuntamiento ayudará activamente a las empresas a la recuperación del trabajo. Las empresas deben llevar a cabo las medidas de prevención y control de la neumonía. Los trabajadores tienen que cooperar en el control sanitario.

8. Realizar el movimiento sanitario de manera completa.Llevar a cabo todas las medidas de gestión sanitaria en todos los barrios, empresas y familias para evitar la difusión de enfermedad.

El derecho de interpretación de este aviso pertenece a la Oficina de Dirección de Prevención y Control de la Neumonía del Coronavirus de Zhongshan.


Oficina de Dirección de Prevención y Control de la Neumonía del Coronavirus de Zhongshan

Día 20 de febrero de 2020

중산시(中山市) 전염병 발생상황 관리 및 통제 “10엄”(十严) 조치에 관한 조정 통보!

전 시(市), 진(镇) 교통검문소 검문처 해제

전염병 통제방지 초지에 관하 조정 통보

2월 7일우리 시(市)에서 발표한 "전염병관리통제‘10엄’조치 실행 통보”는 코로나바이러스의 확산 방지, 주민 들의 생명안전과 몸 건강의 확실한 유지에 중요한 역할을 발휘했다. 새로운 형세에 적응하기 위하여 전염병 발생상황 통제“10엄” 조치를 다음과 같이 조정하기로 결정한다.

 1.도시의 정상적인회전을 확보한다.전 시는 전염병예방통제 작업을 조금도 늦추지 않는 동시에정상적인 생산 생활질서를하루빨리 과학적이고 질서있게 전면회복 한다. 

2.도로 검문처를 해제한다.2월 19일부터 전시(市), 진(镇) 교통검문소의 검문처를 해제하며 일부 지정 도로의 임시 교통관제를 질서있게 해제한다.

 3.합리적인 폐쇄관리를 실행한다.촌 (주민센터), 주택단지에서는 페쇄관리를 계속 실시해야 하며 실제 수요에 따라 출입구 수를 합리하게 증가하고 전문인원을 배치 당직 시켜 출입인원에대한 체온검사를 진행해야 한다. 직장인 및 생산성 활동의 종사자의 출입을 보장해야 하며 방역 이유로 제한하지 않는다.

4.개인 방호를중시한다.시민들은“나들이노(NO), 파티 노(NO), 회식 노(NO), 외출은 적게” 해야 한다.외출 시 반드시 규정에 따라 마스크를 착용해야 한다. 음식점, 상점, 호텔, 농산물시장, 금융망 등 공공장소에 진입하거나 대중교통수단을 탈 경우 관련 방역조치작업에 반드시협조해야 한다. "결혼"," 장례"는 일률로 간소화해야 하며 관련 상황은 반드시 소재진(镇), 구(区) 전염병예방통제지휘부에 신고해야 한다. 

5.공공장소를 질서있게 개방한다.공원, 광장, 노천운동장 등을 질서 있게 개방하며 관련 관리기관은 장소의 청결소독을 강화해야 하며, 인원 입장 상황에 따라 적시의 유량 통제를 진행해야 한다. 실내문화, 오락 등 집결장소의 개방은 잠시 중지하며각음식점은 당식 서비스를 잠시 중지해야 한다. 

6.중점 사람들에 대한 관리와 통제를 강화한다.전염병다발지역의 중산(中山)귀반 인원에 대한 관리조치는 계속 엄격히 집행해야 한다. 모든 성(省)외의 중산(中山) 귀반 인원들은 거주지(목적지)에 도착한후 1시간내에 주동적으로 촌(주민센터), 주택단지 및 근무처에 보고해야 한다. 전염병 다발지역의 귀반인원에 대해 자택 또는 집중하여 14일의 의학관찰을 실시해야 한다. 고용업체, 임대주택 및 레지던스의 주인은 주체책임을 져야 하며 정상적인 임대활동을 전개함과 동시에 거주자와 함께 건강관리를잘 지켜야 한다.

 7.기업의 질서있는 생산복귀를 전폭 지원한다.정부는 주동적으로 기업의 질서있는 생산복귀에 도움을 줄 것이며 기업은 예방통제조치를 확실하게 실행해야 하며 종업원들은 건강 감측에 적극 응해야 한다.

 8.애국위생운동을 전면 전개한다.환경위생관리조치를 매개 주민센터, 회사 및 가정까지 실행하여 질병의 전파를 방지해야 한다.본 통고의 해석권은 중산시(中山市)코로나바이러스예방통제지휘부 사무실에 있다.



2020년 2월 20일













